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Natureworks Design

Castor Oil Fascia Massage Roller Kit

Castor Oil Fascia Massage Roller Kit

Regular price $ 34.97 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 34.97 USD
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Enhance your self-care routine with the Castor Oil Fascia Massage Roller Kit. Transform your massage experience with the soothing properties of nutrient-rich, pain-relieving Castor Oil. This kit is designed to help you relieve tight tissues and adhesions that can hinder your energetic flow due to physical or emotional stress.

Unwind and rejuvenate as you break down scar tissue from injuries or surgeries with ease. Say goodbye to stretch marks caused by weight gain or pregnancy through gentle massage. Experience relief from sore muscles and tight IT bands with targeted fascia release support.

  • Facilitates lymphatic drainage and promotes healthy circulation
  • Aids in smoothing out cellulite for a more even skin tone

Revel in the holistic benefits of this massage roller kit as it empowers you to address both physical discomfort and emotional well-being. Allow the Castor Oil to nourish your skin and relax your mind, fostering a sense of inner harmony.

  • Helps in scar tissue breakdown
  • Reduces appearance of stretch marks
  • Aids in muscle soreness relief
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage and circulation
  • Supports cellulite smoothing
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